Sunday, April 12, 2015


We do not have enough information to know what is good news or bad news.  We may be excited about a new job or a promotion, but it does not do us much good if we are hit by a bus the next day.  If we get divorced or get fired, how times have we heard people say a year later that getting divorced or fired was "the best thing that ever happened to me."

Similarly with death, we have no way of knowing whether our consciousness continues to have wonderful experiences or whether our awareness is extinguished.  Why would we assume the worst?

Since we have no way of knowing how life will unfold, what is the best way to live our lives?  When we surrender our desires and expectations, and surrender our will to the Infinite Energy Source, we are in harmony with Universal Intelligence.  When we align ourselves with Source, we will always receive the best outcome for all concerned in every situation.  We see the beauty in life.  We understand our life's purpose.  Unexpected, Divine, positive occurrences  (i.e., Miracles) happen at an increasing rate the more we surrender to Divine Intelligence.  We embody peace, love, joy and freedom.

All we have to do is try it to experience the truth.

Let's surrender to the Infinite Void.

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