Sunday, April 5, 2015


Venus in Venice

The more we slow down our thoughts, the better able we are to make the choice between love and fear.  In every given moment we have that choice, whether we realize it or not.  We can choose fear, which makes us stressed, damages our health and causes us to be frustrated and angry.  Or we can choose love, which brings the highest outcome for all concerned, including ourselves.

We do not make a choice, because we do not know we have a choice.  If we did know that we have a choice, why would we ever choose fear and misery over love and joy?

In order to realize that we have a choice, we have to slow our thoughts down so that we have awareness of them.  Only in that awareness, choices can be made.

The best way to slow down our thoughts and realize that we have choices is through meditation.

If we meditate first thing in the morning, the whole day will go differently.  We will make different choices.  When we choose presence or love in the face of "stressful" circumstances, we will experience different outcomes.  By reacting differently to things that occur, not only will we be better able to handle the situation, reality will change.  Things will go our way.  We will manifest more positive and more fulfilling events.

Do we really not have time to spare 20 minutes a day in order for our entire day, and actually our entire lives, to dramatically improve?

Let's meditate daily.  

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