Sunday, September 14, 2014


Roberton Island, Bay of Islands, New Zealand

Our journey is over.  We can stop searching, striving, learning, struggling, and seeking.  There is nothing to find, nothing to learn.  It is the effort that is keeping us from our goals.

All that we have to do is surrender to the peace, love and joy that is already within us.  We do not have to follow a religion, a spiritual master, or a guru.  We do not need to read books.

The peace that we seek is already present.  It is what we are.  All the anxiety, desire, frustration, and anger that we feel has been layered on top of who we really are through a lifetime of conditioning.

Although there is nothing that we have to add to ourselves in order to feel peace, there are things we need to shed.  We need to surrender our conditioned beliefs, judgments, expectations, and desires.

When we shed our thoughts about the past and future, and other garbage that we are thinking, we are left with our true selves.  We will be at peace.  Our relationships will be effortless.  The answers to all our problems will be apparent.  Miracles will occur.

Let's acknowledge our thoughts and surrender them to the Void.

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