Sunday, April 27, 2014


Santa Monica

Awakening first requires intention.  We start by having a desire for a different way of living, a different way of being.  We are dissatisfied with our life circumstances.  We believe there must be something more.  Perhaps we have experienced glimpses of a more peaceful and connected way of life.  We yearn for more.

Once we have the intention to awaken, we need to know how to do so.  There are infinite available tools to awaken:  books, websites, teachers, nature itself.  If we ask, all of the necessary tools will be presented to us.  Once we ask, the response will be instantaneous.  All we have to do is be open to the answers.  They may come in unexpected and surprising ways.  Best not to have any expectations.

Discipline does not seem like a necessary trait for awakening.  However, the pull of unconscious thinking and shared belief systems is extremely strong.  Without the discipline to use the available tools and shift our awareness in every moment from thought to presence, we are lost.

We also need courage.  It takes courage to examine deeply buried thoughts, and to surrender our beliefs.  We may become estranged from family members, lose friends, and be ostracized by the groups who we no longer share belief systems with.

Intention, tools, courage, discipline.  Awakening can happen in a flash of insight or take a lifetime.  It is, of course, up to us.  If we embrace the uncertainty and mystery of Life with an open heart, this very moment can be a new beginning.  We could live with passion and adventure, and fulfill our life's purpose.

Let's have the discipline to stay in Presence.

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