Sunday, February 17, 2013


Bay of Islands, New Zealand

Everything that happens to us is specifically designed to bring about our awakening.

We do not have enough information to determine whether things that happen to us are "good" or "bad."  What we think of as good may not be good for us, and what we think of as bad might be the best thing that ever happens to us. This is regardless of whether we lose our jobs, lose a loved one, or get cancer.  If we knew that we are going to die tomorrow, can we really know for certain that would be bad?

When we are grateful for everything that happens to us and treat all events as gifts from our Universal Connection, life unfolds harmoniously, and the gifts continue to pour down on us like a spring rain, When we surrender the life that we think we want for ourselves, Every moment of our lives becomes an adventure. We are passionate about even mundane tasks.  Peace, love and joy begin to permeate our lives as we begin to fulfill our life's purpose.

All we have to do is surrender our will to the Universal will.  Nothing else is required.

Let's be grateful.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Well put dear friend. The adventure continues.