Saturday, June 21, 2014


Miles at the Bottom Line

Are we ready to give up everything that we believe is true?  Are we ready to give up our judgments, beliefs and desires to see life as it really is?  What do we gain when we give up everything that we think we are?  We gain freedom, peace, love and joy.

Of course, if we are living a life of fulfillment, satisfaction and purpose, we do not have to give up anything.  We can live our lives just as we have been living it, and continue to find comfort in the belief systems of the various groups we belong to: family beliefs, religious beliefs, socio-economic beliefs, political beliefs, regional beliefs, gender beliefs, etc.

However, if we are dissatisfied with the status quo and yearn for something more, freedom is just a moment away.  We can surrender all of our beliefs, judgments and desires in this very moment and surrender to the Great Mystery.  It is in not knowing that we experience knowingness.  

It is so simple, but it is not easy.  The pull of our belief systems is very strong.  The groups that we belong to have a vested interest in making sure that everyone shares the same beliefs.  Minor differences are permitted within the basic belief structures.  However, major shifts cause unacceptable disruption.

It takes courage to surrender.  Relationships may end, friendships may fade away.  We may be put under pressure to conform.

However, new friendships and relationships will appear as if by magic as we attract different people who vibrate on a similar energy level.  The weight of everyday life will lighten.  Things that we thought were so important lose their meaning for us.  Every day becomes a new adventure. We are moved to tears because we are touched by Grace.

Let's surrender to the Void.

1 comment:

terrigold said...

hmm- not sure I totally understand...
But intrigued