Thursday, September 2, 2010


Sedona, Arizona

"Choose peace" is a cliche. However, it is also a truth that can help us become more peaceful.

In any given moment we have a choice. We can be lost within our emotion and become the frustration, impatience, rage or hopelessness that we feel. Or we can bring awareness to our feelings, and experience the calm that is beyond thought and emotion. Once we are aware of our feeling, a separation instantly occurs between our Selves and the emotion and we realize that we have a choice. With awareness,the emotion soon dissipates. Isn't it reassuring that, no matter how badly we screw up, every moment is a new opportunity to choose peace and freedom?

When we are lost in the emotion, we tap into our unconscious conditioned responses and we can feel trapped within it for hours, weeks or months. To create awareness of our emotion at the time that we are feeling it, we can bring our attention to our bodies without judgment and without acting upon it. We feel the heat and want to react to it, but we just let it be as it is.
After a few moments, or at most a few minutes, it subsides. We have realized that we are not the anger and other emotions that we feel. We have become transcendent.

Let's choose peace.

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