Saturday, September 6, 2008


Living in a major city, it can be difficult to find peace. The constant noise and concrete contribute to feelings of unease and frustration. Many people living in close proximity with each other increases the chattering of our minds. Thoughts and beliefs are also constantly reinforced.

We can be peaceful in any situation by silencing the turmoil within us. We can be peaceful in any situation, on an isolated beach or on a crowded subway. We can silence the mind and not be lost in our thoughts by bringing our attention to our thoughts without judgment. Our attention is the light of awareness which dissolves stale thoughts and beliefs.

It requires courage and discipline. We have the courage to look at our thoughts and beliefs which have not been examined for a long time. There is nothing in our thoughts which can harm us. Some unexamined thoughts are painful. These thoughts are far more harmful to ourselves when we do not acknowledge them. They cause us to unconsciously live our lives in frustration and fear. By merely bringing our attention to these thoughts, they lose the power to control us and eventually dissolve.

We need discipline to consistently keep our focus on the moment despite the strong pull of outward distractions and inward unconscious thinking. It is like exercising a muscle. The more we practice being present, the easier it becomes.

Let's surrender to peace regardless of where we are or what circumstances we are in.

1 comment:

Nils said...

This lesson is so important. Watching the Political Conventions in the US I was struck by how vested we all our in our "view" of the world and how much we love to put down the other side. Sad. When I feel those things in myself now I try to use the energy to bring my focus to a bigger, better place.