Sunday, February 19, 2017


Sand Bar, Bay of Islands, New Zealand

There is nothing that anyone can say to prove the existence of an Intelligent Energy Source.  There are no words that can adequately describe it.  The word "God" has been so laden with religious dogma through the centuries, that it has been rendered practically useless. If it cannot be proven and it cannot be described, why would we believe it exists?

We can know the truth of its existence through experience.

Many of us have experienced spontaneous moments of grace and elation.  Out of nowhere, we feel spiritually connected and euphoric.  We are in an altered state of Bliss.  These feelings do not last, try as we might.

Is there a way to induce these experiences?  

We can bring this state of connectedness into our present moment by choosing being over thinking. When we choose being over thinking, we experience the peace, love, joy and freedom that is our natural state. Do I believe that the Dalai Lama is the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva?  I have no idea.  Do I believe that he has achieved a state of grace, peace and love through practice and discipline? Absolutely.

Is faith required in order to experience the Divine?  I believe it can be helpful.  When we are in a state of stress, we can remember that, in the past, we have experienced the euphoria of being present. This remembering is faith.  When we are lost, we remember when we were connected, and have faith that we can be there again.  With this faith, or remembering, we can take steps to reconnect with Source.

Every moment is a choice: Being or thinking.  If we stay vigilant in presence, we can sustain our connection with the Divine for as long as we are able.

Let's have faith and surrender to Presence.

Sunday, February 12, 2017



It is very stressful not knowing whether Trump is going to start a war or infringe on our freedoms which we take for granted.  It is hard to relax when we know that the company we work for is downsizing and we have no idea whether or not we will be laid off.  How can we be at peace when we are waiting for the result of a biopsy?

The only certainty is uncertainty.  We may think we have everything wired and under control, but we really cannot be certain that we will be alive even tomorrow.  We must become comfortable with uncertainty.  Since we have no actual control, we might as well give up trying to control everything.

We must have faith that when we give up control, we will not be lost.  We will not be led astray.  In fact, when we give up control, we are in partnership with an energy source which is beyond description and comprehension.

If we surrender to Uncertainty, we will be led with peace, love and joy to our highest fulfillment.

Let's be comfortable with uncertainty and surrender to the Great Unknown.