The time to awaken is now. It is time to stop fucking around. It is time to stop "becoming," stop "being on the path," stop"getting better." It is time to stop waiting, to stop believing what we are thinking, and to stop wanting things to be different than they are.
It is time to surrender all of our frustrations, judgments, and beliefs now. It is time to accept with gratitude everything that happens to us. It is time to surrender our thoughts, and bring our attention to the present. If we do not do it right now, in this very moment, we will never do it. We cannot awaken in the future. The past does not exist. The future does not exist. They are only projections from our thoughts. We cannot awaken tomorrow. We can only awaken now. Right now. This moment and forever.
We are awake. We are present. We are who we really are. We are love. We are joy. We are peace. We are One. Now.